Tutustu ohjelmaan tapahtumasivuilla: https://events.tuni.fi/ehealth2024/ohjelma/
Conference Programme:
Thursday 14th of November 2024
9.00–10.30 Registration
10.30–11.30 Session 1 – From research to impact in digital health and welfare services
Conference opening words
President Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth
Associate professor Tuomas Koskela, Tampere University
Current and future impacts of AI on Health Care
Associate professor George Dorffner, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
eHealth Award Ceremony
Outi Ahonen and Pirkko Kouri, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH)
11.30–12.30 Lunch and Exhibitions
Parallel sessions:
12.30–14.00 Session 2a – Artificial Intelligence
Invited Speech:
Current Advances in AI for Healthcare
Professor Samuel Kaski, Aalto University, Finland
How could AI help the clinician?
Professor Jussi Hernesniemi, Tampere University, Finland
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
12.30–14.00 Session 2b – Digitaaliset vastaanotot
Invited Speeches:
Digitaaliset vastaanotot perusterveydenhuollossa
Vastaava lääkäri ja tohtorikoulutettava Kaisa Kujansivu, Terveysasemapalvelut Pihlajalinna oy ja Tampereen yliopisto
Käytännön kokemuksia etävastaanotoista Pirkanmaalta
Hankepäällikkö Taru Manner, Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialue
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
14.00–14.30 Coffee and Exhibitions
14.30-16.00 Session 3a – CyberSecurity and Regulations
Invited Speeches:
The impact of new and upcoming cybersecurity regulations
Director Standardization Product Security Ben Kokx, Philips, The Netherlands
Acute cyber security situation in Finnish healthcare and long-term recommendations
Senior specialist Perttu Halonen, National Cyber Security Centre Finland
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
14.30-16.00 Session 3b – Digiosaamisen vahvistaminen
Invited Speeches:
Mitä kuuluu sote-henkilöstön digiosaamiselle- tilannekuva hyvinvointialueilta ja parhaita käytänteitä
TtT, selvityshenkilö Merja Tepponen Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö
Digitalisaatio-osaamisen viitekehys syöpää sairastavan hoidossa.
Yliopettaja Virpi Sulosaari, Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
16.00–16.30 Coffee and Posters
16.30–18.00 Session 4a – Uptake and impact of digitalization
Invited Speeches:
Health care digitalisation across EU member states - past achievements and new challenges
Adjunct Professor Karl A. Stroetmann, School of Health Information Science
User experience of health IT in the course of years in Denmark
Prof. Christian Nohr, Aalborg University, Denmark
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
16.30–18.00 Session 4b – Päätöksenteon tuki ja Tekoäly käytännössä
Invited Speeches:
Päätöksentuki lääkärintyössä
Päätoimittaja Johannes Lyytikkä, Kustannus oy Duodecim
Tekoälyn implementointi terveydenhuoltoon
TKI-johtaja Johan Sanmark, Länsi-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
19.30–22.30 Gala dinner
Friday 15th of November 2024
8.30–9.30 Session 5 – Plenary and Intro to Demos eHealth Economics
Invited Speeches:
Evaluating effectiveness and cost-effectivess of digital healthcare technologies
Professor Mika Kortelainen, University of Turku, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Assessing the (cost)effectiveness of eHealth/Digital solutions
Professor Janne Martikainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
9.30–11.00 Coffee and Demonstrations "Gallery walk"
11.00–12.30 Session 6a – Data Access and Data Quality
Invited Speeches:
European health data space and preparatory actions
Project manager Markus Kalliola, Finnish Innovation Fund SITRA
Experiences on nation-wide health data harmonization: commitment to shared goal, data quality and federated analyses
Senior Medical Advisor Tarja Laitinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
11.00–12.30 Session 6b – Digiratkaisujen näyttö käytännössä
Invited Speeches:
Miten voimme tutkia terveydenhuollon digiratkaisujen näyttöä?
Apul.Prof. Paulus Torkki, Helsingin yliopisto
Mitä kokemuksia meillä on terveydenhuollon digitaalisten ratkaisujen arvioinnista?
Arviointipäällikkö Petra Falkenbach, FinCCHTA, Pohde
Will be filled later with content of abstracts.
12.30–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.30 Session 7 – Lesson learned in assessing the impact of digital services of health care
Invited Speeches:
Assessing the Overall Impact of Integrating Digital Health in Healthcare Systems
Senior health economist Eric Sutherland, Health division, OECD
Do we have evidence if it is beneficial to organize health care services digitally?
Prof. Dr. Gro Rosvold Berntsen, Norwegian Centre for E-health Research, Tromsoe, Norway
Award Ceremony & Closing words
Outi Ahonen, Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth (FSTeH) and
Tuomas Koskela, Tampere University
14.40 End of the conference