Mind-Body-Spirit Doctor / Trauma-Informed Medicine
Online, zoom. 8 weekly live zoom sessions of 2 hours, from 23rd October to 11th December, 8 pm-10 pm.
- Paikka
Online, zoom. 8 weekly live zoom sessions of 2 hours, from 23rd October to 11th December, 8 pm-10 pm.
- Kohderyhmä
- Lääkärit ja lääketieteen opiskelijat
- Hinta
- 830 e
- Osanottajia
- 20
- Lisätietoja
- LL Outi Hilgert-Teerikangas
- Ilmoittautuminen
27.9.2024 mennessä.
s-posti: mindfulnessinmedicine@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/share/CZiDhuDCTP7DQKbS/
- Ohjelma
Wk 1: Orientation week: Why trauma-informed health care?
Wk 2: Safety, nervous system regulation/dysregulation
Wk 3: What is Trauma/ Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs)?
Wk 4: Emotions & Health
Wk 5: Understanding Triggers
Wk 6: Unmet Needs, Coping Strategies & Addictions
Wk 7: Systems of Oppression/Toxic Culture/Trauma-Based Systems
Wk 8: Trauma-informed Medical Doctor