Lehti 31: Liitto toi­mii 31/1996 vsk 51 s. 3317

European Board of Ophthalmology

The examination of E.B.O. will be held in Fondation Ipsen, Paris 23rd and 24th May 1997. The Multiple Choice Question Examination will be held on Friday, 23rd May and the Oral Examination on Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th May.

This examination is optional. The successful candidates will be awarded the Diploma of the E.B.O. as a mark of excellence.

Closing date for preliminary applications: January, 31st 1997. All candidates will have the option of sitting the examination in their own national language.

Information: Professor Peter Eustace, Secretary General, European Board of Ophthalmology, Institute of Ophthalmology, University College Dublin, 60, Eccles Street, Dublin 7, Ireland; tel. 00353 1 8600254, fax: 00353 1 8305693

All applicants must have unrestricted licence to practice medicine in a country of the European Union and must have satisfactorily completed a residency training program in ophthalmology of at least 48 months duration in a unit recognised for training by the E.B.O. They must be recognised as ophthalmologists within one country of the E.U. and have passed the appropriate national examination of the E.U. country in which they trained if there is a national examination in that country, otherwise they must have met the certifying requirements of that country.

Three places will be reserved for each country of the E.U. To be eligible to sit the examination applicants must have returned the application form fully completed and have paid the examination fee of 250 E.C.U.'s.

o Eurooppalaisten erikoislääkäri-

tenttien asema

Koulutuspäällikkö Hannu Halila kirjoitti aiheesta Lääkärilehden numerossa 30/95.

Lue myös

Osa Euroopan erikoislääkäriliiton (UEMS) spesialistisektioista ja niiden koulutuslautakunnista (European Boards) järjestää epävirallisia tenttejä EU-maiden erikoislääkäreille. Niihin osallistuminen on täysin vapaaehtoista, eikä tenttiä voi pitää ehtona erikoislääkärinoikeuksien saamiselle toisessa EU-maassa.

UEMS:n erikoislääkärikoulutusta käsittelevä peruskirja, Charter on Traning of Medical Specia-lists ei pidä toivottavana erikoislääkäritenttien virallistamista. Suomen kanta on sama.

Suomen edustajat EBO:ssa ovat professori Leila Laatikainen, HYKS, silmätautien klinikka ja yksityislääkäri Marja Ahola, Kauhajoki.

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