English summaries 5/2021 vsk 76 s. 273 - 280

Changes in food consumption and nutrient intake in Finnish adults 1997–2017: A FinDiet survey

Niina E. Kaartinen Erikoistutkijaheli Tapanainen Tilastoasiantuntijasatu Männistö Tutkimuspäällikköheli Reinivuo Erityisasiantuntijasuvi M Virtanen Tutkimusprofessoripekka Jousilahti Tutkimusprofessoriseppo Koskinen Tutkimusprofessoriliisa M Valsta Tutkimuspäällikköterveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin LaitosHyvinvointivaikuttajat

Background The aim of the study was to investigate 20-year trends in food consumption and nutrient intake in Finnish adults. Methods The data were drawn from the FinDiet Surveys, comprising 30% subsamples of the national FINRISK Studies (years 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012), as well as from the FinHealth 2017 Study. The analysis included 8301 subjects aged 25‒64 years. Dietary recall interviews were used for dietary assessment. In-house software and the national food composition database Fineli® were used to calculate food and nutrient intakes. Differences between survey years were tested using linear regression models and survey weights. Results From 1997 to 2017, consumption of vegetables, fruits, and berries as well as intake of fibre increased. In men, the consumption of red and processed meat decreased between 2012 and 2017. During the study period, the estimated energy intake from carbohydrates decreased and that from fat and protein increased. The intake of saturated fatty acids remained at a high level. Salt intake decreased until 2007, but not thereafter. Conclusions During the past 20 years, the diet of Finnish adults has generally improved. The type of carbohydrates and fat, as well as reducing salt intake remain key challenges. Multiple simultaneous actions targeting the food environment and well-informed counselling in health care are required.

Niina E Kaartinen, Ph.D., Senior Researcher

National Institute of Health and Welfare, Finland, Public Health Solutions

Heli Tapanainen, Satu Männistö, Heli Reinivuo, Suvi M Virtanen, Pekka Jousilahti, Seppo Koskinen, Liisa M Valsta

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