English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023; 78 : e36179 www.laakarilehti.fi/e36179 (Julkaistu 24.8.2023)

Prostate cancer patients may benefit from wristband activity tracker during androgen deprivation therapy

Laura LahtiHanna OjalaEeva HarjuTeemu Murtola

BackgroundAmong prostate cancer patients, physical exercise reduces side effects of androgen deprivation therapy and improves quality of life. We explored experiences of prostate cancer patients using wristband activity tracker as its use has been found to improve rehabilitation in the elderly and chronically ill.

MethodsThe study materials consisted of prostate cancer patients’ (n=29) individual interviews (n=58) conducted in two phases of exercise intervention research. The interviews were analyzed using content analysis.

ResultsPatients who had a negative attitude towards the wristband did not wear it; patients with neutral stance used the wristband only during physical exercise; patients who wore the wristband regularly, felt benefit from it and had a positive attitude towards it; patients who were familiar with wristband beforehand used it actively and made decisions based on the information provided by the wristband.

ConclusionsThe findings support use of easy-to-use activity meters as part of prostate cancer treatment. This requires guidance, and the integration of the meter into care should focus on patients who have a neutral or positive attitude towards it. They can be identified by asking about attitudes towards physical exercise to enhance one’s wellbeing and previous experiences of activity trackers.

Laura Lahti, Hanna Ojala, Eeva Harju, Teemu Murtola


Laura Lahti sairaanhoitaja, TtM, väitöskirjatutkija Tampereen yliopisto, yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta (terveystieteet)

Hanna Ojala KT, dosentti, yliopistonlehtori Tampereen yliopisto, yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta

Eeva Harju sairaanhoitaja, TtT, ylihoitaja Tays Syöpäkeskus, kirurgian vastuualue ja Tampereen yliopisto, lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

Teemu Murtola LT, dosentti, professori (urologia), ylilääkäri, Tays Syöpäkeskus, kirurgian vastuualue, ja Tampereen yliopisto lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta

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