English summaries 41/2021 vsk 76 s. 2328 - 2332

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on guidance of specializing doctors in occupational health care in spring 2020 in Finland

Elina RuotsalainenMarianne RytkönenJarmo HeikkinenTuula Oksanen
Pandemian vaikutuksia ohjaukseen<p/>
Ohjausten toteutus<p/>
Pandemian muita vaikutuksia
Pandemian vaikutuksia ohjaajaan ja erikoistujaan
Vastaajien taustatiedot<p/>

Background The Covid-19 pandemic had a huge impact on health care work in spring 2020. We wanted to examine whether it also had an effect on educational supervision in specialist training in occupational health care.

Methods We conducted an online survey of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the work and guidance of specialists and trainees in occupational health care in spring 2020. Altogether 55 supervising specialists responded. The results were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods.

Results The Covid-19 pandemic restrictions in spring 2020 changed the work and guidance among most of the supervising specialists and their trainees. Most of the supervisors conducted remote guidance, and some of them experienced an improved atmosphere in remote guidance. The results also showed an increased need for psychological support among supervisors and trainees.

Conclusions In a pandemic, postgraduate medical education may undergo unexpected changes that have an effect on educational supervision. These changes need to be monitored to maintain and improve the quality of specialist training. Attention should be paid to doctors’ well-being at work.

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