English summaries 30-32/2005 vsk 60 s. 2983 - 2988


Tommi SulanderSatu HelakorpiOssi Rahkonen Aulikki NissinenAntti Uutela

Background: Lifestyles are associated with health and functional ability. Therefore, studies examining trends in lifestyles should be of great importance. The main purpose of this study was to examine 18-year trends in healthy food habits, smoking and alcohol consumption among elderly Finns. Furthermore, sociodemographic variation in these lifestyles was assessed.

Methods: Biennial surveys on lifestyles were conducted among 65-79-year-old Finnish men and women in 1985 to 2003. The total number of subjects was 13 232. The average response rate surpassed 80%. Sociodemographic variation was studied by age group, main occupation before retirement and marital status. Age-adjusted trends and logistic models were computed to derive the results.

Results: Finnish elderly today eat healthier but use more alcohol than their age-mates a couple of decades ago. Smoking among men decreased slightly. Healthy food habits, smoking and alcohol consumption were most prevalent among the youngest respondents. Healthy food habits and higher alcohol consumption were more pronounced among office employees than other occupational groups. Alcohol consumption among male and female farmers and smoking among female farmers remained at a low level throughout the monitoring period. Healthy food habits were slightly more prevalent among married than non-married elderly people whereas the non-married were more often smokers.

Conclusions: Even though positive changes have occurred in lifestyles among Finnish elderly, sub-group disparities are still evident. This information together with the rising prevalence of alcohol consumption should be of great importance for those interested in diminishing health differences.

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