English summaries 9/2021 vsk 76 s. 569 - 572

The effect of infliximab induction therapy on calprotectin levels of children with inflammatory bowel disease

Sofia JunkkariKaija-Leena Kolho
Kalprotektiiniarvojen mediaanit ja kvartiilivälit ennen infliksimabihoidon aloittamista, kahden viikon ja kuuden viikon jälkeen diagnoosiryhmittäin
Kalprotektiiniarvot ennen infliksimabihoidon aloittamista, kahden viikon ja kuuden viikon jälkeen
Laboratorioarvoja ennen infliksimabihoidon aloittamista sekä kahden ja kuuden viikon kuluttua

Background Our aim was to study the response to infliximab induction therapy in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Methods The study included paediatric patients with Crohn’s disease (n = 20), with ulcerative colitis (n = 5) and with unclassified IBD (n = 5). The patients received 3 infliximab infusions during 6 weeks. Response was measured by faecal calprotectin.

Results The median level of calprotectin was 908 µg/g at baseline. After 2 weeks the median level had declined to 295 µg/g (p = 0.005). After 6 weeks the median level was 256 µg/g but the decrease from the 2-week level was not statistically significant. Only patients with Crohn’s disease had a statistically significant decrease in calprotectin levels (p = 0.0057). Most patients (87%) continued to infliximab maintenance therapy.

Conclusions Infliximab induced a clear decline in calprotectin levels in some patients already two weeks after induction. Patients with Crohn’s disease had a better response than patients with ulcerative colitis or unclassified IBD.

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