English summaries 34/2018 vsk 73 s. 1814 - 1819

Slight positive changes in physicians’ assessments of electronic health record systems

Peppiina SaastamoinenHannele HyppönenJohanna KaipioTinja LääveriJarmo ReponenSuvi VainiomäkiJukka Vänskä
Kanta-palveluiden käyttö potilastietojen hakuun toisesta organisaatiosta vuonna 2017.
Potilastietojärjestelmälle annettujen kouluarvosanojen keskiarvo ja 95 %:n luottamusväli (LV), sekä vastanneiden lukumäärä (n) sektoreittain ja tutkimusvuosittain.
Lääkärien arviot potilastietojärjestelmistä ovat parantuneet hieman, Taulukko 3

Taulukko 1.

Tutkimuksen kohdejoukon ja tutkimukseen vastanneiden jakaumat taustamuuttujittain.

Keskeisten järjestelmien saamien arvosanojen keskiarvot (95 %:n luottamusvälit, LV) vuosittain ja sektoreittain, sekä vastanneiden lääkäreiden lukumäärät (n).
Tiedonvaihto eri organisaatioiden välillä. ”Täysin/jokseenkin samaa mieltä” tai ”Erittäin/melko hyvin” vastanneiden lääkärien osuus sekä muutos vuosien 2014 ja 2017 välillä.

Background: In Finland, physicians’ experiences with electronic health record (EHR) systems were previously studied in 2010 and 2014. This study continues to assess the evolution of EHR systems. Special attention is paid to health information exchange between organizations.

Methods: The data were collected through online survey. The target population was limited to practising working age physicians (< 65 years) living in Finland. EHR systems were assessed with a school grade (4,5,6,7,8,9,10). Health information exchange between organizations was assessed with seven statements. The main statistical method was analysis of variance.

Results: The average school grade for EHR systems was 6.82. The grade had improved statistically significantly compared to the previous study (year 2014: 6.64). Especially the grade for hospital sector EHR systems had improved. Health information exchange with other organizations had not improved, even though the Kanta services had been introduced since our previous study.

Conclusions: We observed slight positive changes in physicians’ estimates of EHR systems. However, the overall grade is not satisfactory. Thus, development of the systems needs to continue in order to achieve optimal functioning. Opinions on health information exchange had not improved. Fluent health information exchange is central to the success of the future social welfare and health care reform. Therefore, health information exchange should be at the core of development work in the near future.

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