English summaries 48/2020 vsk 75 s. 2607 - 2611

Leadership roles of physician leaders - A qualitative research on the leadership roles of the chief physicians and heads of department in the Central Finland Central Hospital

Sari Huikko-TarvainenPasi SajasaloTommi Auvinen
Haastateltavat lääkärijohtajat<p/>
Arvio johtamisroolin kuvaavuudesta omassa johtamistyössä<p/>

BACKGROUND Empirical research on physician leadership is sparse in Finland and the definition of physician leadership is not unambiguous. In order to educate towards better performance in physicians' leadership roles and improvement of leadership skills, more research which takes into account the features of Finnish healthcare is needed.

METHODS The subjects (n = 22) of the empirical study were chief physicians and heads of department in the Central Finland Central Hospital. A leadership role model originally developed by Quinn (17) but adapted to the Finnish context by Ollila (16) was used as the theoretical starting point of the interviews to define the roles of leadership.

RESULTS In leadership roles, the emphasis on a leadership or a management approach varies from situation to situation, which is why there are several leadership roles. Roles need to be switched depending on the leading situation. Ollila’s/Quinn's (16,17) leadership role model is only partially suitable for elucidating leadership roles of physician leaders.

CONCLUSIONS The leadership approach of a physician leader is expressed in different leadership roles which vary depending on the situation. Physician leaders recognize their leadership position, but it is overshadowed by the perception of leadership work as less important than patient work.

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