English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2022; 77 : e31879 www.laakarilehti.fi/e31879 (Julkaistu 27.6.2022)

Medical students need sexual medicine education – a survey conducted in Finnish medical faculties

Lotta KevoSanna-Mari ManninenKatja KeroPäivi Polo

Background . Physicians encounter patients with sexual problems in several specialties. The purpose of our study was to assess the education in sexual medicine in the Finnish medical schools.

Methods . A questionnaire was sent to 562 final year medical students (autumn 2018 - spring 2019) of whom 233 replied (response rate 41.5%).

Results . More than half of the students were interested in education in sexual medicine although 71% reported the amount being insufficient. The education took place mainly in the obstetrics and gynaecology course, but also some in psychiatry, general medicine, dermatology and surgery. Both a separate course in sexual medicine and integrated teaching were considered good teaching methods, except in the University of Tampere where almost all participants preferred integrated teaching.

Conclusions . The amount of sexual medicine education should be increased and expanded in the medical degree curriculum. The education could be implemented as an integrated course or a separate course. In addition, sexual medicine education in various universities should be standardized.

Lotta Kevo


University of Turku

Sanna-Mari Manninen

Katja Kero

Päivi Polo


Lotta Kevo LL Turun yliopisto

Sanna-Mari Manninen kätilö YAMK, tohtorikoulutettava Turun yliopisto ja Metropolia ammattikorkeakoulu

Katja Kero LT, naistentautien ja synnytysten erikoislääkäri, seksuaalineuvoja Tyks ja Turun yliopisto

Päivi Polo synnytys- ja naistentautiopin professori, oa ylilääkäri, naistentautien ja synnytysten erikoislääkäri Turun yliopisto ja Tyks

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