English summaries 14/2008 vsk 63 s. 1269 - 1276


Timo HurmeSoile AlankoPirjo AnttilaTaina JuvénJouni JulinErkki Svedström

The suspicion of child physical abuse is evaluated at the Children´s Hospital of Turku University with a special protocol based on co-operation between different departments and authorities. Between 1st November 2003 and 28th February 2007 a total of 48 children were examined. The overall average age of the children was 2.2 years, however it was six months in the case of skull fracture. The incidence of new cases increased during the examination period. Mortality was 2.1%. There was depression, hyperactivity, crying and prematurity in the children's histories and misuse of drugs and alcohol in adults. The suspected batterer was mostly the father or stepfather, however in cases where the history did not indicate a specific batterer, the children were usually living with the mother. Children were mostly referred to hospital by health centres. X-ray examination is the gold standard for the initial investigation, but magnetic resonance imaging is the sine qua non for proper examination. Co-operation with the paediatric surgeon or orthopedist, social paediatric unit and child welfare office has to function properly. The child welfare office has to be notified in every case, and in most cases the offence has to be reported to the police. The battered children and their families have to be properly followed and supported for a sufficient period of time, however definitive removal from parental care could not always be avoided.

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