English summaries 6/2008 vsk 63 s. 487 - 493


Sari StenholmTaina RantanenPäivi SainioSeppo Koskinen


Walking is a critical component in maintaining independent and high quality of life in old age. The aims of this study were to examine obesity as a risk factor for walking limitation and the mediating role of chronic diseases in that association.


The study analyzes data on subjects aged 55 years or over compiled within in the Health 2000 Survey (n=3392), which is based on a representative sample of Finnish adult population, and within the Mini-Finland Follow-up Survey with a 22-year follow-up (n=1278). Walking limitation was defined according to walking speed test or self-reported walking difficulties. Obesity was assessed by means of to body mass index.


In a cross-sectional design, overweight and obesity were associated with walking limitation, more strongly in women than in men. In addition to current obesity, obesity in midlife and a long duration of obesity increased the risk of walking limitation later in life. Knee osteoarthritis in women and Type 2 diabetes in men contributed most to the association between obesity and walking limitation.


Obesity and obesity duration throughout the lifespan are important risk factors influencing walking ability in older persons. Prevention of weight gain as well as maintenance of physical fitness and proper treatment of obesity-related diseases may help to maintain mobility in old age.

Tutkimusta ovat rahoittaneet Juho Vainion Säätiö ja Suomen Kulttuurirahasto. Kiitokset Terveys 2000 -tutkimukseen ja Mini-Suomi-uusintatutkimukseen osallistuneille tutkittaville sekä tutkimushenkilökunnalle.

Tutkimus perustuu Sari Stenholmin gerontologian ja kansanterveyden väitöskirjaan Obesity as a risk factor for walking limitation in older Finnish men and women. Mediating factors, long-term risk and coexisting conditions. Publications of the National Public Health Institute, A10/2007.

Tutkimuksessa esitetyt tulokset on julkaistu aikaisemmin englanniksi:
Stenholm S, Sainio P, Rantanen T, Alanen E, Koskinen S. Effect of co-morbidity on the association of high body mass index with walking limitation among men and women aged 55 years and older. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2007;19(4):277-83.
Stenholm S, Rantanen T, Alanen E, Reunanen A, Sainio P, Koskinen S. Obesity history as a predictor of walking limitation at old age. Obesity. 2007;15(4):929-38.
Stenholm S, Sainio P, Rantanen T, Koskinen S, Jula A, Heliövaara M, Aromaa A. High body mass index and physical impairments as predictors of walking limitation 22 years later in adult Finns. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007;62(8):859-65.

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