English summaries 42/2018 vsk 73 s. 2421 - 2428

Longest periods of unemployment associated with lowest use ofprimary healthcare services

Kirsi LappalainenPauliina Mattila-HolappaKirsi Yli-KaitalaMarja HultKimmo Räsänen
Pitkäaikaistyöttömien erikoissairaanhoidon käynnit erikoisalan mukaan vuosina 2012–2015.
Aineiston muodostuminen ja analysointi.
Pitkäaikaistyöttömien lääkärissäkäynnit terveyskeskuksessa ICPC-2 ja ICD-10 diagnoosiluokkien mukaan vuosina 2012–2015.
Tutkittavien sosiodemografiset taustatekijät työttömyyden keston mukaan (n = 500).
Terveyskeskuskäyntien keskimääräinen vuosittainen jakauma henkilöä kohti vuosina 2012–2015 (pitkäaikaistyöttömät, n = 500).<p/>

Background Unemployment is related to abundant use of medical services as well as under-utilization of particular services and poor identification of when and which services are needed. The aim of the study was to describe the use of outpatient care and special health care services in primary health care amongst persons who had been unemployed for at least 300 days on 1.1.2016. In addition, their views on health services were described.

Methods The research material was collected in the TTP project co-ordinated by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health as part of the European Social Fund-funded project “Better Labour and Capacity Capability”, implemented in the municipalities of Rauma, Turku, Salo, Somero, Eura and Eurajoki. The study included a register search (n = 500) and client interviews (n = 20).

Results According to the results, the longest unemployed had used the least primary healthcare services.
Long-term unemployed rarely underwent rehabilitation (5%). Additionally, the diagnosis of mental health disorder was more common for longer unemployed persons.

Conclusions Failure to use health services is particularly prominent amongst the longest unemployed. Multidisciplinary collaboration and functioning public authorities can contribute to the improvement of services.

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