English summaries 35/2021 vsk 76 s. 1821 - 1827

Status of quality assessment in social and health care – most shortcomings in the quality assessment of ­purchasing services

Susanna FrimanSakari SuominenSini ElorantaTuija Ikonen
<p/>Ostopalvelujen laadunarviointi
Keskeiset tulokset pääluokittain.
Laadunarviointi yhdyspinnoilla
Organisaation toimintaprosessien laadunarviointi palveluntuottajien yhdyspinnoilla.<p/>
<p/><p/>Toimintaprosessien laadunarviointi sote-organisaatioissa<p/>

Background The aim of the study was to describe and evaluate the state of quality assessment of social and health care organisations’ operational processes, outsourced services and interface work in three social and health care units of a university hospital district and three municipalities selected for the study within one province.

Methods The material was collected with focus group interviews in units where the quality management framework was used. The data were analysed using material-based content analysis.

Results The quality management of internal operational processes was supported by the organisations’ quality management framework. The assessment procedures were uniform and comprehensive in scope. The hospital district and the municipalities collaborated on cross-interface processes, but the assessment work was not systematic. According to the findings, the benefits of assessment included recognition of overlap. The greatest shortcomings were found in the quality assessment of purchasing services. The lack of uniform guidelines and assessment criteria was seen as having an impact on costs and perceived quality.

Conclusions The legislation and national guidelines on quality management in the social and health care sector need to be defined more precisely. A need for more precise guidelines was seen particularly in the quality assessment of purchasing services.

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