English summaries 18/2006 vsk 61 s. 1963 - 1967


Nea MalilaTiina OivanenMartin RasmussenOuti Malminiemi


Colorectal cancer screening was launched in Finland in 2004 in 22 piloting municipalities. Our aim was to find out whether a screening programme within the public health care could result in a similar mortality reduction as found in screening trials.


The target population consisted of men and women between 60 and 69 years. During the first year only those aged 60, 62 or 64 were screened. Those invited were randomly selected within municipality, age-cohort, and gender. The screening test was a fecal occult blood test for three different sample sessions and it was mailed to the invitees.


Compliance was good, 75% out of those invited (4539 in total) took part in screening (81% of women and 69% of men). Those who had any blood in their feces were referred for colonoscopy. In total, 63 people (1.8%) were referred for colonoscopy and repeat tests were sent to 132 (3.9%). A full colonoscopy was performed in 54 people, and in five persons colorectal cancer was found.


The preliminary findings support screening as part of public health care. Decisions on future screening will be made after the three first years' experience.

Suolistosyövän seulontaan mukaan lähteneet kunnat vuosina 2004-2005. Vuonna 2004 aloittaneet kunnat on tummennettu.

Alajärvi, Alastaro, Dragsfjärd, Evijärvi, Forssa, Halikko, Hattula, Hauho, Hausjärvi, Himanka, Humppila, Hämeenkyrö, Hämeenlinna, Iisalmi, Ilomantsi, Inari, Isojoki, Jalasjärvi, Janakkala, Joensuu, Jokioinen, Joroinen, Juuka, Juupajoki, Jämsä, Jämsänkoski, Järvenpää, Kaarina, Kalvola, Kangasala, Kannus, Karttula, Kauhajoki, Kauniainen, Kemijärvi, Keminmaa, Kemiö, Kesälahti, Kiikala, Kisko, Kitee, Kiuruvesi, Kontiolahti, Kotka, Kruunupyy, Kuhmalahti, Kuhmoinen, Kurikka, Kuusamo, Kuusjoki, Laitila, Lammi, Lapinlahti, Lapua, Loimaa, Loppi, Luopioinen, Luvia, Längelmäki, Maksamaa, Mellilä, Muurla, Nilsiä, Nivala, Nurmes, Nurmijärvi, Nurmo, Oravainen, Oripää, Parainen, Pelkosenniemi, Pello, Perho, Pertteli, Piikkiö, Pornainen, Pudasjärvi, Pyhäjoki, Pyhäranta, Pyhäselkä, Pälkäne, Raahe, Ranua, Rautalampi, Renko, Riihimäki, Ruovesi, Rusko, Ruukki, Rääkkylä, Salla, Salo, Savukoski, Seinäjoki, Siikajoki, Sonkajärvi, Suomusjärvi, Suonenjoki, Taipalsaari, Tammela, Tammisaari, Tampere, Tervo, Tervola, Tohmajärvi, Toijala, Tuulos, Tuusula, Uusikaarlepyy, Valtimo, Vesanto, Vieremä, Vimpeli, Virrat, Västanfjärd, Vöyri, Ylistaro, Ylitornio, Ylämaa, Ypäjä

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