English summaries 35/2019 vsk 74 s. 1886 - 1893

Changes in major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in Finland 1992–2017

Tiina LaatikainenTommi HärkänenKatja BorodulinKennet HaraldSeppo KoskinenSatu MännistöMarkku PeltonenJouko SundvallLiisa ValstaErkki VartiainenPekka Jousilahti
Painoindeksin keskiarvo
Systolisen ja diastolisen verenpaineen keskiarvo
Kokonais-, LDL-ja HDL-kolesterolin keskiarvot
Tupakoinnin yleisyys
Vyötärönympäryksen keskiarvo

Background The decrease in smoking prevalence and blood pressure levels as well as the improvement in serum lipid values have been remarkable in Finland since the 1970s. The reduction of risk factors has resulted in a major decrease in cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. Population health surveys are important information sources for knowledge based decision making in health policy.

Methods The data consists of 25- to 64-year-old participants of the National FINRISK Studies in 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012 and the FinHealth Study in 2017 (n = 31402). The surveys included a self-administered questionnaire, a health check and blood sampling. In the health check, height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure were measured following standardised survey methodology and using standardised equipment. Survey year, area, age group and gender specific population weights were used in statistical analyses. The survey year and area differences were analysed using linear and logistic regression models.

Results In men, the smoking prevalence was 37% in 1992 and 21% in 2017. In women, the respective proportions were 26% and 17%. During the last five years the smoking prevalence decreased statistically significantly only among men. Blood pressure, serum total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol all decreased significantly from 1992 to 2017 among both men and women. During the last five years a significant reduction in these was observed only among men. Among both men and women a significant increase in BMI was observed between 1992 and 2017, but the increase during the last five years was only statistically significant among women.

Conclusions The cardiovascular risk factors have decreased significantly in Finland during the last 25 years. However, recently the decline has diminished. Increasing obesity is a major public health problem.

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