English summaries 39/2006 vsk 61 s. 3955 - 3958


Liina-Inari VehkaojaMikael GardbergEero Laakkonen


Increasing maternal body mass index (BMI) has been shown to be associated with a higher frequency of gestational diabetes and an increased risk of cesarean section.

The purpose of this study was to see if the incidence of maternal overweight has changed during a fifteen-year time-span and how it influences labour and the outcome of delivery in at our hospital.


All singleton deliveries in Vaasa Central Hospital during years 1987 and 2002 were reviewed. Both cohorts were divided into two groups depending on maternal BMI: normal-weight (BMI < 25.0) and obese (BMI >= 25.0). Several parameters concerning pregnancy and labour were recorded.


A significant increase in the average maternal BMI was noticed between years 1987 and 2002. We observed an increased frequency of abnormal glucose tolerance test as well as an increased risk for cesarean section in the groups of obese women in both years studied. The groups of obese women gained less weight during their pregnanacies during both years studied. The increased frequency of inductions of labour in 2002 is probably reflecting a more active approach in the care of pregnancies of obese women. The group of obese women gave birth to heavier neonates. We also noted a non-significant trend towards increased need for paediatric intervention in the obese group in 2002.


Our results are consistent with earlier studies, and the study confirms the well-known adverse effects of obesity on labour. The need for more and larger studies as well as effective preventive measures is obvious.

Tästä asiasta tiedettiin Ulkomaisissa tutkimuksissa on osoitettu ylipainon lisääntyneen synnyttäjäaineistossa ja osoitettu sen kielteiset vaikutukset synnytyksen kulkuun. Tietääksemme ei asiaa ole ainakaan äskettäin tutkittu suomalaisessa aineistossa.

Tämä tutkimus opetti Löydöksemme ovat samansuuntaiset ulkomaisten tutkimusten kanssa. Synnyttäjien keskimääräinen painoindeksi ja ikä ovat 15 vuoden aikana lisääntyneet. Ylipainoisuuteen liittyi merkitsevästi lisääntynyt keisarileikkauksen, poikkeavan sokerirasituksen ja vastasyntyneen suuripainoisuuden riski.

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