English summaries 4/2019 vsk 74 s. 187 - 192

The attitudes of health care personnel towards influenza vaccination

Tony HäggblomJarmo OksiEsa Rintala
Koko henkilöstön sekä lääkärien ja hoitohenkilökunnan influenssarokotusmyönteisyys TYKS:n kyselytutkimuksissa 2010 ja 2015
Raision sairaalan kyselytutkimuksen tulokset ikäryhmittäin vuonna 2017 (% vastaajista)

Background Health care personnel (HCP) have an important role in preventing transmission of influenza. Therefore, many attempts have been made to increase influenza vaccination coverage. The aim of our studies was to try to understand the attitudes of HCP towards seasonal influenza vaccination.

Methods The studies were conducted at Turku University Hospital and Raisio Healthcare Centre during the years 2010 - 2015 and 2017, respectively. Opinions and attitudes of HCP were obtained by questionnaire forms.

Results In the study conducted at Turku University Hospital, the attitudes towards influenza vaccination became more positive between the years 2010 and 2015. The main reasons for taking the vaccine were to protect against influenza and to prevent transmission of influenza to others. In the Raisio Healthcare Centre study, the majority of HCP had positive attitudes towards influenza vaccination. The participants also had a realistic view of vaccine efficacy.

Conclusions We conclude that HCP attitudes towards influenza vaccinations in our healthcare district have become more positive. However, there still remains uncertainty among HCP about the potential adverse effects and benefits of influenza vaccine.

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