English summaries 49/2020 vsk 75 s. 2693 - 2699

How well do health information systems support leadership? Data from a questionnaire to chief physicians 2014 and 2017

Tinja LääveriJarmo ReponenJukka VänskäMinna KailaSuvi VainiomäkiPäivi Metsäniemi
Vastausten jakauma
<p/>Vastaukset työskentelysektoreittain
Vuosien 2014 ja 2017 vastausten vertailu

There is scant evidence on how information from electronic patient records is used for knowledge management in health care organizations. We analyzed national questionnaire data from the years 2014 and 2017 to explore chief physicians’ (or similar) experiences on how well health information systems support their leadership. Data were gathered using a web-based questionnaire, and there were 723 and 727 respondents, respectively. Results are reported by health care sector.

Half of the respondents use information systems daily, and most have to search for the information they need from many systems. Those most satisfied with their information systems work in the private sector. The physician leader respondents’ experience on how well the information systems support their work did not change between the years 2014 and 2017.

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