English summaries 5/2007 vsk 62 s. 389 - 393


Kirsti MartikainenTiina LuukkaalaReijo Marttila


At least a third of all patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) are diagnosed before the age of 65 years. There have only been a few previous studies on the problems of the PD patient of working age.


We performed a questionnaire study among the members of the Finnish Parkinson Association under the age of 65 years (n = 1343).


Patients were treated by neurologists and according to general treatment guidelines. PD patients were physically active, but rehabilitation other than physical therapy (e.g. speech therapy, occupational therapy) was rare. Only 16% of patients who responded to the questionnaire (n = 937) were at work. The respondents had been diagnosed with PD at a median age of 53 years and had retired at a median of 1.7 years after established diagnosis. The 313 (33%) patients who had been diagnosed with PD under the age of 50 years had continued working for a median of 3.4 years after their diagnosis was established. Adjustments enabling easier working conditions were associated with staying longer at work.


Despite appropriate treatment, PD negatively affects working ability and often results in retirement during the first two years after established diagnosis. Rehabilitation should be planned according to individual needs. Adjustments at work should be considered shortly after establishment of the diagnosis in order to prevent premature retirement.

Tästä ash Suomalaisten Parkinson-potilaiden työkyvystä ei ole aiemmin tehty selvitystä.

Parkinson-potilaiden ammatillisen kuntoutuksen tarpeesta ei ole tietoa.

Tämä tutkimus opetti

Työikäisten Parkinson-potilaiden hoito tapahtuu Suomessa neurologijohtoisesti ja yleisten suositusten mukaisesti.

Kuntoutuksessa on edelleen tehostamisen ja monipuolistamisen tarvetta.

Puolet Parkinsonin tautia sairastavista jää pois työelämästä kahden vuoden kuluessa taudin diagnosoimisesta.

Ammatilliseen kuntoutukseen tulisi panostaa heti diagnoosin varmistuttua.iasta tiedettiin

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