English summaries 41/2020 vsk 75 s. 2138 - 2143

Employees’ perceived work ability predicts sickness absences and occupational health care costs

Yrjänä HynninenSamuli VolttiTiina PohjonenEevamaija TuovinenRiikka-Leena Leskelä
Työterveyshuollon kustannusten ja sairauspoissaolojen jakautuminen<p/>
<p/>Helsingin kaupungin työntekijöistä koostuvan tutkimusaineiston kuvaus
Lineaarisen monimuuttujaregression (OLS) tulokset<p/>

Background More information and tools are needed to detect and prevent early work disability. ­
In this registry study, the relationship between perceived work ability, occupational health care costs, ­
and sickness absences was examined among the employees of the city of Helsinki.

Methods The study evaluated how employees assessed their work ability (on a scale of 0–10), ­
how the assessment varied by age group, and what relationship existed between perceived work ability and sickness absences and annual occupational health care costs. This relationship was studied using descriptive statistical analysis and linear multivariable regression models. The research material consisted of 12 662 employees (one third of the employees) during the period of 1/2016–6/2018.

Results Seventy percent of the employees assessed their work ability as good (rating of 8–10), 20% as reduced (6,7), and 10% as weak (0,1,2,3,4,5). The perceived work ability deteriorated as age increased but 15% of under 30-year-olds also assessed their work ability as weak or reduced. Deterioration of perceived work ability was significantly associated with an increase in sickness absences and the cost of occupational healthcare. Perceived work ability affected sickness absences and occupational healthcare costs more than age.

Conclusions Assessment of perceived work ability is a simple and inexpensive method that can support identification of the risk for work disability in occupational healthcare and other social care and healthcare settings.

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