English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023; 78 : e34916 www.laakarilehti.fi/e34916 (Julkaistu 26.1.2023)

DISCO patient survey: Room for improvement in type 2 diabetes treatment plans and targeting

Jorma LahtelaSari KoskiJarno RuotsalainenTuire PramiMari PölkkiAntti AaltoLotta K. Stenman

Background The primary goals of type 2 diabetes care include preventing disease progression and supporting quality of life. A treatment plan helps target diabetes care based on patient needs, but the practical implementation of treatment plans has not been studied in Finland.

Methods This survey gathered information about pharmacotherapy, comorbidities, treatment plans, and comprehension of treatment goals among Finnish patients with type 2 diabetes. The survey was conducted in community pharmacies among patients whose diabetes medication included other medicines besides only insulin.

Results The survey was completed by 1,067 patients with type 2 diabetes, 70% of whom had participated in the planning of their diabetes care. While 63% of the respondents considered the treatment plan to be of support, only 35% reported they had received it in writing. The benefits were observed more frequently in small communities than in larger ones. A written treatment plan was associated with a better understanding of treatment goals. The level of cardiovascular risk did not affect healthcare visit frequency (53–55% reported an office visit within the past 6 months). Only half of the high-risk patients received SGLT2 inhibitors or GLP-1RAs as pharmacotherapy.

Conclusions The use of a written diabetes treatment plan is currently suboptimal. Closer targeting of healthcare resources and treatments based on patient needs would be both economically sound and advisable from a public health perspective.

Jorma Lahtela, Sari Koski, Jarno Ruotsalainen, Tuire Prami, Mari Pölkki, Antti Aalto, Lotta K. Stenman

Jorma Lahtela

M.D., Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Head of Department

Tampere University Hospital


Jorma Lahtela dosentti, osastonylilääkäri Tays

Sari Koski TtM, kehittämispäällikkö Suomen Diabetesliitto ry

Jarno Ruotsalainen proviisori, vanhempi tutkimuspäällikkö Oriola, Asiantuntijapalvelut

Tuire Prami FT, johtava lääke-epidemiologi Oriola, Asiantuntijapalvelut

Mari Pölkki FT, vanhempi tutkimuskoordinaattori Oriola, Asiantuntijapalvelut

Antti Aalto FT, lääketieteellinen kirjoittaja Swell Scientific

Lotta K. Stenman FT, kehittämis- ja vaikuttavuuspäällikkö Boehringer Ingelheim Finland Ky, Market Access

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