English summaries 16/2021 vsk 76 s. 1008 - 1015

Association between health behaviour and overweight is partly explained by adolescents’ socioeconomic factors

Päivi MäkiRiikka IkonenLilli HedmanSusanna RaulioTiina Laatikainen
Nuoren ylipainon yhteys elintapoihin ja hyvinvointiin

Background The aim of the study was to examine associations between adolescents’ health, lifestyle factors and wellbeing, family background and overweight.

Methods The data consisted of adolescents who participated in the School Health Promotion Study in 2019 (8th and 9th grade students in basic comprehensive school education n = 89,570, high school students n = 44,636 and students in vocational schools n = 25,047). Interrelationships between adolescents’ health, lifestyle and well-being factors, family background, and overweight were examined using a logistic regression analysis reporting odd ratios (OR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CI 95%).

Results Overweight was associated with several factors describing health and wellbeing of adolescents. The association between adolescents’ overweight and health and wellbeing factors remained statistically significant even when socioeconomic background factors of the family were taken into account.

In addition, statistically significant associations were found between the adolescents’ origin, socioeconomic status and the factors describing health, well-being and health behaviour.

Conclusions To prevent overweight in adolescents, risk factors for overweight and children and families who need special support should be identified as early as possible. Actions to promote physical activity and healthy nutrition in early childhood education and schools can reduce health inequalities. Multi-stakeholder cooperation and community-based actions are needed to prevent overweight in adolescents.

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