English summaries 33/2021 vsk 76 s. 1654 - 1659

Emergency Response Centres need to give more detailed instructions on body temperature management of patients with multiple injuries

Juha NieminenKustaa PihaHilla Nordquist

Background The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not emergency centre dispatchers instruct callers to take care of the body temperature management of patients severely injured in a traffic accident.

Methods The study collected and analysed data from emergency call recordings (n = 135) related to serious traffic accidents (emergency medical service transport codes A203, A204) during the cold season in Finland.

Results The body temperature management of patients was brought up in 18 calls (13.3%, 95% confidence interval 7.6%–19.1%). Emergency calls included in the study were from 97 traffic accidents. In a total of 8 (8%) accidents, the caller was instructed to take care of the patient’s body temperature management.

Conclusions The emergency call handling guidance of Emergency Response Centres should be further developed to include instructing the caller to take care of the body temperature management of patients severely injured in a traffic accident.

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