English summaries 5/2018 vsk 73 s. 279 - 288

Group exercise of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is worthwhile

Joni NiskanenSirpa Leivo-KorpelaLeena SeppiTiina LuukkaalaKirsi LaasonenLauri Lehtimäki
Ohjattujen harjoittelupäivien askelmäärien mediaanien jakauma (kuntoutujien n = 27).
Kuntoutukseen osallistujat.
Potilaiden kuntoutuspäivien, vapaapäivien ja vuosikontrollipäivien keskimääräisten askelmäärien mediaani koko ryhmässä. Keskimmäinen paksu viiva on mediaani, laatikon ylä- ja alareuna kuvaa kvartiiliväliä ja janan päät ovat minimi ja maksimiarvot. Pallot ja tähdet kuvaavat jakaumasta poikkeavia arvoja.
Potilaiden taustatiedot
Kuntoutusryhmän (n = 30) mittaustulokset


There is evidence of the benefits of exercise rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dyspnoea, exercise capacity and quality of life have improved, the number of hospitalizations decreased and recovery after hospitalization for an exacerbation improved. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can be rehabilitated safely in outpatient conditions.


Forty patients with COPD were included in group rehabilitation. A physiotherapist was responsible for the practical implementation. Progress was evaluated by pedometer, health related questionnaire and six-minute walk test. The monitoring period was one year.


Physical rehabilitation improved both physical activity and exercise capacity. The number of steps as a sign of physical activity increased significantly during the rehabilitation days (p = 0.013). After one year, patients walked an average of 255 steps more per day compared to the rehabilitation period. Six-minute walking distance as a measurement of exercise capacity increased by 45 metres (p < 0.001).


Rehabilitation under the guidance of a physiotherapist was safe and functional. The overcoming of exercise-related fears and the transfer of the physical mind-set and practices to the home setting is the main task of rehabilitation of the pulmonary patient.

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