English summaries 43/2017 vsk 72 s. 2446 - 2451

The career expectations of young specialists in otorhinolaryngology: What directs the newly graduated to the specialty and a related career?

Annika WickmanErna KentalaElianne RiskaPiitu ParmanneLeena-Maija Aaltonen
Ylilääkärien 1 sukupuolijakauma yliopisto­klinikoittain korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien erikoisalalla syksyllä 2016 klinikoiden ylilääkäreille lähetetyn sähköpostikyselyn perusteella.
Tutkimukseen osallistuneet nuoret korva-, nenä- ja kurkkutautien lääkärit uran vaiheen, paikkakunnan (A,B) ja sukupuolen mukaan.
Haastattelukysymykset, joihin saadut vastaukset artikkelissa esitellään.


The purpose of this study was to explore the cultural and structural conditions which influence physicians’ career choices and career expectations. Although women constituted 60 percent of the physicians and 59 percent of the specialists in Finland in 2016, the rate of women in oto-rhino-laryngology (42%) was one of the lowest among the specialties.


The data consist of semi-structured interviews with young female and male physicians (N = 19), who have entered a career in oto-rhino-laryngology.


The results show that the career prospects for women within the specialty were defined by means of a pipeline argument or a gendering framework.


We conclude that the pipeline view belittles existing gender inequalities in medical career prospects and views existing gender differences as temporary maladjustments rather than inherent features of gendered organizations.

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