English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2023; 78 : e34917 www.laakarilehti.fi/e34917 (Julkaistu 16.2.2023)

Patients with heart failure do not have enough support

Anna-Mari HekkalaSuvi Vaaraniemi-Junnila

Background Heart failure (HF) is a chronic disease, and its prognosis is usually poor. Self-care plays an important role in the management of the disease. However, it requires adequate information and support from healthcare professionals.

Methods An online survey was shared with the members of the Finnish Heart Association via different channels. A total of 825 patients with HF responded.

Results Roughly 20% of the respondents reported that they did not have regular follow-up visits, while only 15% reported they had had rehabilitation, such as physiotherapy or guidance from a dietician. Only around half of the patients knew why they had HF, and a similar number reported that they had not received enough information or support.

Compared with patients having no contact for disease-related support, patients who knew where to get guidance reported significantly less depression and were significantly more often aware of their disease-related issues.

Conclusions The survey showed that patients with HF are not well-informed about their disease, nor do they get enough support. Patients who can easily contact healthcare providers are better able to cope with their health circumstances. Overall, the results revealed several targets for development in the treatment of patients with HF.

Anna-Mari Hekkala, Suvi Vaaraniemi-Junnila

Anna-Mari Hekkala

M.D., Ph.D., Chief Physician

The Finnish Heart Association


Anna-Mari Hekkala LT, sisätautien ja kardiologian erikoislääkäri, ylilääkäri Suomen Sydänliitto ry

Suvi Vaaraniemi-Junnila TtM, tieteellinen asiantuntija Boehringer Ingelheim Finland Ky

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