English summaries 37/2017 vsk 72 s. 2013 - 2018

Work ability data in electronic health records of occupational health services

Sari NissinenTuula OksanenKinnunen Ulla-MariTimo LeinoSimo KalevaKaija Saranto
Työkykyyn liittyvien tietojen saanti potilastietojärjestelmistä (% vastanneista).
Tietojen saannin helppous ammattiryhmittäin (% vastanneista, n pienimmillään).
Tietojen saannin helppous potilastietojärjestelmittäin (% vastanneista, n pienimmillään).


Almost all healthcare professionals use electronic health records. The utilization of electronic health records is challenging; the patient data are not always easily accessible or do not always meet the needs of the various health professionals. In occupational health services, the employees’ work ability data is needed for example to support maintaining the ability to work and to prevent incapacity for work.


We evaluated the use of electronic health records in occupational health services with an electronic questionnaire in 2015. The survey targeted occupational health physicians, nurses, physiotherapists and psychologists, and 571 responded to the survey. We analyzed the data from two perspectives: documentation by occupational health professionals and data availability in electronic health records.


The electronic documentation of health data was well managed. Narrative documentation was more common than structured documentation. Patients’ work ability data from electronic surveys were saved as an attachment in electronic health records yielding the need for electronic redocumentation. Access to work ability data was not easy in any electronic health records system or by any professional group.


The electronic health records in occupational health services do not enhance the availability of work ability data. The availability of work ability data would be improved if the documentation were standardized and structured into defined categories with universal codes.

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