English summaries 15/2021 vsk 76 s. 943 - 946

The clinical picture of Covid-19 patients treated in hospital in Helsinki in spring 2020 and the risk factors for mechanical ventilation

Tiina MattilaKatriina PihlajamaaPia KiveläHanna-Riikka Kreivi
HUS:ssa Helsingissä kohorttivuodeosastoilla maalis–toukokuussa 2020 hoidettujen COVID-19-potilaiden sairaskertomukseen kirjattu mahdollinen riskitekijä tartunnalle
HUS:ssa Helsingissä kohorttivuodeosastoilla ja teho-osastolla hengityslaitteessa 1.3.–31.5.2020 hoidettujen COVID-19-potilaiden hoitoon ja oireisiin liittyvät muuttujat
HUS:ssa Helsingissä kohorttivuodeosastoilla 1.3.–31.5.2020 hoidettujen COVID-19-potilaiden (n = 339) perustason muuttujat

Background Covid-19 infection has caused a global pandemic since spring 2020. The first patients were treated in Finnish hospitals in February.

Methods In this study, we report both background and clinical factors associated with both Covid-19 infection and severe Covid-19 infection in the area of Helsinki from March 1 to May 31 2020 in patients treated in wards in specialized health care.

Results The study included 339 patients, 312 (92%) having a positive Covid-19 PCR test result (the rest a strong clinical suspicion). Median age was 57 years, 70 (21%) were 70 years or older and 186 (55%) men. Oxygen treatment was given to 268 (76%) patients and mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit (ICU) was required for 62 (18%) patients. Risk factors for mechanical ventilation were male sex and non-Finnish origin. Higher supplemental oxygen requirements, higher respiratory rate and abnormal values in several laboratory tests preceded the need for mechanical ventilation. During hospitalization nine (3%) patients had a clinical thrombosis. Mortality was 6% (19 patients).

Conclusions None of the variables measured at hospital admission predicted the risk for invasive mechanical ventilation or mortality. Only few patients died. Clinical thromboses were rare maybe because of active use of thrombosis prophylaxis.

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