English summaries 23/2021 vsk 76 s. 1483 - 1487

Treatment of paediatric anxiety disorders at the Child Psychiatric Evaluation, Acute and Consultation Process

E. Juulia PaavonenHanna HuhdanpääHanna RaaskaLeena Repokari
<p/>Potilaiden taustatiedot
Ahdistuneiden lasten hoitojen jakautuminen<p/>
Psykoedukaation kulmakivet
Potilaille määritetyt diagnoosit (n = 48)<p/>

Ahdistuneisuushäiriöiden arviointi perustasolla

Background Fears and anxiety disorders are common in children. Therefore clinicians in primary care often have to assess their significance.

Methods We evaluated the symptoms, treatment and need for further treatment on the basis of the medical records in children who were referred to a child psychiatric outpatient clinic. The sample comprised all children (N = 181) who were referred to the participating child psychiatric outpatient clinic between 17.5.2018 and 27.9.2019 and had mood or anxiety symptoms. Those with anxiety disorders, fears or separation anxiety were eligible for the study (N = 80).

Results We found that most of these children benefitted significantly from psychoeducation and short focused behavioural interventions. In the majority of the children (55.7%), the treatment period was short and the highest number of visits was eight.

Conclusions We conclude that majority of children with anxiety disorders could be effectively treated already in primary care. These children and their parents should be provided with psychoeducation as well as individualized or group-based therapy for symptom management.

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