English summaries Suom Lääkäril 2022; 77 : e323 www.laakarilehti.fi/e323 (Julkaistu 7.1.2022)

Finnish- and Swedish-speaking sickness allowance recipients by diagnostic group – Analysing the trends in 2005–2018

Kaarina ReiniJan Saarela


The health differences between Finnish and Swedish speakers in Finland are well known. This is the first study that compares the two groups using data on the diagnoses behind sickness allowance paid by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela).


In this article, we examine the proportions and trends in receipt of sickness allowance by diagnostic group among Finnish- and Swedish-speaking Finns in 2005–2018.


The share of the population receiving sickness allowance has generally been decreasing. Swedish speakers receive sickness allowance less often than Finnish speakers. The most common reasons for sickness allowance in both language groups are musculoskeletal diseases, mental health disorders and injuries. In 2005–2011 Finnish-speaking women received sickness allowance due to mental health disorders more often than Swedish-speaking women did, but the situation became reversed after 2012. A noteworthy result is the greater share of Swedish-speaking women than Finnish-speaking women who received sickness allowance due to pregnancy and childbirth (0.7% vs. 0.5%).


Among Finnish speakers, the share receiving sickness allowance has decreased notably, meaning that it approaches the level of Swedish speakers. In the context of comparing Finnish and Swedish speakers, sickness allowance payments related to pregnancy and childbirth, and mental health disorders in women, require further scrutiny.

Kaarina Reini

Ph.D., M.Sc. (Econ.), Researcher

Åbo Akademi University, Demography Unit

Jan Saarela


Åbo Akademi University, Demography Unit


Kaarina Reini FT, KTM, tutkija Åbo Akademi, väestötieteen yksikkö

Jan Saarela professori Åbo Akademi, väestötieteen yksikkö

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