English summaries 36/2021 vsk 76 s. 1889 - 1897

The incidence of disability retirement due to mental disorders has increased among young people but decreased in older age groups

Mikko LaaksonenJenni BlomgrenRiku Perhoniemi
Mielenterveysongelmiin perustuvien työkyvyttömyyseläkkeiden alkavuus / 10 0000 henkilövuotta<p/>
<p/>Alkavuus ikä- ja diagnoosiryhmän mukaan
Havaittu ja vakioitu alkavuus<p/>

Background We examined trends in the incidence of disability retirement due to mental disorders and whether the mental health of the population, measured by purchases of psychotropic drugs, affects these trends.

Methods The incidence of disability retirement due to mental disorders in 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019 was examined by sex, age and diagnosis group using register data. To examine the impact of changes in the mental health of the population, age-specific purchases of psychotropic drugs were standardized to the 2007 level.

Results Between 2007 and 2015, the incidence of disability retirement due to mental disorders increased among men and women below 35 years but decreased strongly among those older than 50. Between 2015 and 2019, the incidence increased in all age groups. The changes were driven by disability retirement due to depression, but the development in other diagnostic groups taken together was similar. Controlling for changes in the purchases of psychotropic drugs explained part of the change between 2015 and 2019 in the younger age groups.

Conclusions The incidence of disability retirement due to mental disorders has declined in the longer term despite a constant increase in the younger age groups. Changes in the mental health of the population do not seem to explain the development.

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