– Research for all courses of medical students at the University of Oulu
Background Use and need of psychiatric services has increased. At the same time, psychiatry is facing a shortage of specialists, which is linked with increasing amount of retirement on psychiatry and insufficient amount of applicants for psychiatry specialty training. This study analyzed the interest towards psychiatry and related factors among all medical students in the Faculty of medicine at University of Oulu.
Methods Webropol-survey was sent to all medical students. A total of 319 responses was received (36%). Year of studies were categorized to preclinical phase (1.-2.), clinical phase I (3.-4.) and II (5.-6.).
Results Of all respondents 3% aimed likely or certainly specialize to psychiatry. The proportion was biggest (6%) at the end phase of medical studies. The student’s orientation for natural sciences and mathematics was notably higher (92%) compared to humanistic orientation (59%).
Conclusions Medical students´ interest to psychiatry as future career was limited, but concordant with international findings. This might relate to notable emphasis on natural science in medicine. Amount of students interested in psychiatry is not enough to fill gap in specialists in psychiatry. Interest to psychiatry needs to be increased starting already from the first year of medical studies.
Jenna Heikkinen, Sami Räsänen, Helinä Hakko